Generix TradeXpress

TradeXpress is a Multimode Integration Platform: EDI, MFT, B2B, EAI, … + E-Invoicing & Collaboration tools. It can be used easily and efficiently for integrating both

  1. company’s own business processes with the systems supporting them (for example SAP R/3, Baan, Oracle, WiseTime, etc.) according to EAI or A2A consepts and
  2. processes/data systems common with different partners (customers, suppliers, customs, financial services etc.) into one concentrated and centrally administrated system.

Please find more information in the leaflet or from Generix website.

There are more than thousand installations of TradeXpress in several hundred companies around the world.

Edimaster is Generix Active Partner of TradeXpress in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and mainland China.